

Pildid / - STARTERminsk plakat


Hello, entrepreneurial student!

You do not have an idea? You do not have a team? But you would very much like to learn everything about starting a team and developing the idea?

This is for you!

Come and join the STARTERminsk business idea development program!
The program designed by six Estonian universities will help you with all the basic entrepreneurship skills (business development, service design/product development, marketing, business model generation, sales, pitching) and also social impact that your business might have. You’ll get from idea to business model in six months and you'll have startup leaders and industry experts from Estonia by your side. :) You could have idea in every possible field of experience. We are active in very different fields from high-tech to hand-made stress-relieving dolls of reusable materials. 

From idea to business model – a free startup development program containing:

  • Hands on training sessions with experts
  • Key coach and mentors from startups
  • Networking events and a Demo Day
  • Combined competences of Estonian 8 universities
  • Remarkable prizes and awards at the end of the program
  • Further access to accelerators and incubators

If you are interested in getting to know more about developing your wonderful idea on how to make world a better place, forming a team, starting a start-up company,  learning about legal and financial issues, sales and marketing etc, you can very easily participate in the program.

Teams consist of 2-5 students of any educational institution.
Trainings and hands-on workshops usually take place on Wednesday at 15.00-17.30 online or in BSTU.

For example:
STARTER alumni Avery Schrader came from Canada to study in Estonia and participated in program in 2017. His team was one of the winning teams in the program and then they registered the company in Estonia. For today has raised money from several startup competitions and business angels from europe and overseas. Modash is a platform that allows marketers to effectively use social media influencers in their marketing campaigns. In practice, this means that if someone wants to market or promote something, they log in to the Modash environment and find the influencers that are right for the target group they need.
More interesting stories of our alumni you can find from
Program begins on the 20th of October with the pre-event for creative fields students at Belarusian State Technological University. Mark your participation already today. Participation is free of charge and no previous knowledge of entrepreneurship is required. 
More information on the event on this website!


Contact: tel 29 122 81 03 (Viber, Telegram), e-mail:

We are very much looking forward to all entrepreneurial persons to develop their business ideas and generate new unicorns!



October 20th,


STARTERminsk Autumn 2021 Launch Event

Venue: BSTU

October 27th,



Forming teams and generating ideas (Leadership and Team development)

Venue: online + BSTU
Presented by: Juko-Mart Kõlar, University of Tartu, Viljandi Culture Academy Director

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? How do teams work, what can go wrong and why is leadership necessary? Team building and leadership dynamics. Getting to know other people and their ideas. Creating the teams.

November 10th,




How to design value proposition and business model?​

Venue:  online
Presented by: Juko-Mart Kõlar, University of Tartu, Viljandi Culture Academy Director

What do you do and for whom? How do you do it and why is it better than the things your competitors do? What are business models and why do we need them? What are the business model components and how do they fit together? Learning to put together a value propositon for your product or service. Let’s start building a business model for our ideas. It’s never about dumb luck, it’s about putting together a puzzle. We’ll show you how.

November 14th, 23:59 

Deadline for registration of the team

November 24th,



Feedback session 1: finalizing teams, working on canvas and oneliner

Venue: BSTU
Time to meet supervisors and finalize teams. Compiling a canvas to introduce the idea.
Let’s discuss progress, problems, plans.

December 8th,




How to use design thinking? Design thinking and prototyping
Venue: online

How to focus on what matters? In building products and services, companies tend to get overwhelmed by the complexity of running a business. They fail to improve critical parts of their service, run out of resources or will be outrun by their competitors. User-centered development and design thinking are methods to find out what companies should focus on and how to find out what their customers appreciate. In the workshop, we will examine the tools used in the design process and feature prioritization that will help you to focus on delivering value, not just building stuff.

December 15th,




Impact Measurement
Venue: online

What is an impact? Why do we need to measure it? How to measure your start-up company’s different impacts? In the workshop we will discuss all these questions and practice how to create measurement indicators for your company’s impact. The workshop is dedicated to identifying or increasing impact values of your activities. Let’s create some impact!
The workshop is organized in partnership with the project “Kick-starting the nascent social finance market in Estonia”, that is co-financed by the European Commission through the Employment and Social Innovation 2014-2020 programme.

January 12th,



What you should know about finances, taxes and legal issues?
Venue: online

Session experts are from Belarus
What do you need to know about money when you start working on your very first company? No, you don’t have to become an accountant, but there are a few things to keep in   mind. On the other side – is your idea worth something? Can someone steal it? What to protect and why? 

 January 16th, 23:59

Deadline for submitting the oneliner of the team at ???

January 26th,




Startup Speed Dating Night
Venue: online and BSTU
Are you ready for the biggest mentoring event in Belarus? Come and chat with more than 50 local and international experts and ask their feedback. Need feedback about business models? We’ve got you covered. Need advice about product development? We have a mentor for that. Stuck with programming? We have a mentor just for that as well. We’ll pick the mentors based on your ideas and needs. It doesn’t get any better than this

February 9th,




The basics of marketing and sales
Venue: online
What is marketing and how to be good at it?
At this workshop, you will learn who is your customer, how to reach your customer and how to sell your service & product. During the workshop, we’ll take a look at the vast landscape of paid and free marketing channels that are available for a start-up to scale its business. With limited resources in terms of both budget and people, we’ll try and figure out what marketing strategy fits your product the best and how to focus on getting traction as quickly as possible.
Marketing without a strategy is like a blind dragon – it can breathe fire and cause destruction (usually to your budget) but without purpose.

February 23th,


Feedback session 3: finalizing one-pager, getting ready for pitch training
Venue: online and BSTU
Time for focuse on the one-pager and get ready for the pitch training.
Let’s discuss progress, problems, plans.

March 9th,




Perfect Pitching – How to present your idea?
Venue: online
How to present your idea to people who don’t know you? How to win them over and make them allies, clients or investors? Why is communicating your idea important? What are the common pitfalls and how to conquer them?

March 20th,


Deadline for submitting the one-pager
Time to present your idea to the jury. Prepare your onepager and upload to the Google folder (instructions via e-mail).

March 23rd

Feedback sessioon: pitch and slides
Venue: BSTU
Preparation of video-pitch and slides

April 06th,


STARTERminsk 2021 Demo Day
Venue: BSTU

All teams present their ideas to a jury of experts and have a shot at winning cool price: a trip to ESTONIA.

Disclaimer: the program is designed for students from different educational levels (university, vocational school, gymnasium). We work in teams and each team chooses an idea to work with. The dea serves as an example, don’t worry about picking the best idea in the world.



November 14th (23:59):     Registration of teams at
January 16th (23:59):      One-liner submitted to ??? page or sent to e- mail
March 20th (23:59):        One-pager uploaded in the Google Drive or sent to e-mail (instructions via e-mail)

 Pildid / - Eesti Arengukoostöö eng logo 
The project is financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.
Kristina Paal
tegevjuht ja koolitaja
28.09.2021 16:45

Vandeadvokaat Annika Vait: E-arvete esitamise kohustust plaanitakse laiendada

Vabariigi Valitsuse algatusel on Riigikogu menetluses raamatupidamise seaduse muutmise seaduse eelnõu (428 SE), millega soovitakse laiendada e-arvete esitamise kohustust.  Planeeritava muudatuse kohaselt saaksid edaspidi kõik ostjad nõuda müüjalt e-arve esitamist. Kusjuures olukorras, kus ostja on ennast äriregistris märkinud e-arvete kasutajaks, tähendab see eelnõu seletuskirja kohaselt ...

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